Benefits Of An Invisalign

Just like traditional metal braces, Invisalign aligners can correct a number of dental conditions, including crowding, gaps, and other bite-related problems. Also just like braces, they do so by gently pushing teeth into place over time. Where these differ is in the way they accomplish this, and it's where the benefits of Invisalign aligners most shine. To learn more about Invisalign and how it can improve your smile, reach out to your New Rochelle, NY, professionals Dr. Derek Lewis and Dr. Anish Gala of Radiant Family Dentistry.


There is just no denying the difference in appearance between Invisalign aligners and traditional metal braces. Made of clear plastic these aligners are difficult to notice even up close, and practically vanish in a photograph. But because they are removable you can do so if you are going to a job interview, or giving a presentation, or on a date.


Many dates take place in restaurants, and there's nothing like having your diet constrained by your braces. That is not a problem with Invisalign aligners because they should be taken off to eat, which means there is practically nothing in your diet that is off-limits. But even with Invisalign your New Rochelle, NY, dentist will probably still advise against sugary foods and drinks.


Just as the aligners need to be removed to eat, they also need to be taken off to brush and floss your teeth. But unlike with braces, aligners don't require the same diligence when cleaning as you don't have to worry about damaging the armature of braces or the hard to keep-clean spots that they create. You should, however, practice the same good dental hygiene habits you practiced before the treatment. It should also be noted that even though they can and should be removed for certain activities, you are responsible for wearing the aligners for the daily prescribed amount of time to make sure you remain on track for your treatment.


Braces require that you return to the office for regular adjustments, but with Invisalign, all you need to do is to move up to the next aligner in the series when it's time to do so. You should still visit your dentist to monitor your progress but these are usually fewer visits. For many, the initial adjustment to aligners is also simpler, and easier, than that of braces, and the entire process is also often faster.

Invisalign aligners from your New Rochelle, NY, dentist can transform your smile while minimally interfering with your daily life. If you are ready to make the change schedule a consultation with Dr. Lewis and Dr. Gala of Radiant Family Dentistry by dialing (914) 654-9736.

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